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Company outing to Huangshan Mountaion during 7.6th-7.11

Jul 13, 2023

Company outing to Huangshan Mountaion during 7.6th-7.11


The Huangshan Mountain, also named Yellow Mountain, is probably the most famous Of all the notable mountains in China. It is located in the south of Anhui Province, China. It is famed for its stunning and peculiar natural sceneries composed of five wonders----unique guest-greeting pines, absurd stones, sea of clouds and amazing hot springs, as well as high peaks.


We a group totally 9 people including 4 children had a very tight and amazing Huangshan tour.

Day1. Climb Huangshan Mountain

Day2. Visit Local ancient Hong Village

Day3. Visit and adore Ksitigahba Boddhisattva in Jiuhua Mountain

Day4. Visit local stone carving museum and Jiangxi Wuyuan ancient Village.


Here let me put some beautiful pictures of Huangshan, Hong Village and other beautiful sceneries for you to enjoy.




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